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ह्युमन इम्युनोडेफिशिएंसी वायरस

यदि आप शादी से पहले या शादी क बाद एच आई वी से पीड़ित हैं तो हमे आज ही संपर्क करें!  हालाकिं  एच आई वी एक अछि बीमारी नही है इससे काफी कमियां आ सकती है आपके शरीर में! जैसे:- खून का शरीरी में बहाव काम होना |  धिरे धिरे शरीर थक जाना |  एच आई वी से शरीर की उम्र १० साल काम हो जाती है |  एच आई वी कभी ख़तम नहीं होती ये बीमारी इंसान के मरने तक रहती है  एच आई वी में इम्युनिटी बोहत कम होते जाती है  एच आई वी में ए आर वी ट्रीटमेंट के माधयम से ठीक किया जाता है इसमें हमें इम्युनिटी बढ़ाने क लिए प्रती दिन मेडिसिन खानी पड़ती है|  यदि शादी हो चुकी हो या शादी से पहले आपने कोई शरीरिक सम्बंद बनाने क दौरान  एच आई वी का शिकार हुए हो तोह घबराये नहीं तुरंत हमे इस नंबर पर संपर्क करें +919136363692 | आपका इलाज तुरंत आरंभ किया जायेगा और अपने जीवन में खुशाल ज़िन्दी जिएंगे | 
PEP for HIV Treatment PEP or Post-exposure prophylaxis . It involves taking antiretroviral drugs (ART) following signifying possibly exposed to  HIV  to stop acquiring infected. ... If you're directed  PEP , you'll need to take it once or twice every day for 28 days.  PEP  is useful in stopping  HIV  when applied correctly. Drugs  used for  PEP PEP  usually consists of three anti- HIV medicines , from two of the many groups. The several new UK guidelines suggest practicing Truvada (a fixed-dose mixture tablet mixing emtricitabine and tenofovir) of the NRTI group, and raltegravir (Isentress) of the integrase inhibitor type. According to the study,  PEP  will several likely not stop  HIV  if it is started more than 72 hours later a person is presented to  HIV . ...  PEP  is  useful  in stopping  HIV  when it's taken accurately. Unsafe Intimacy  while ...

एचआईवी एड्स केंद्र

एचआईवी एड्स पै प क्या है? पोस्ट-एक्सपोज़र प्रोफिलैक्सिस। पीईपी की गोलियाँ एक सूची के साथ शुरू होती हैं, आप बहुत जल्द बाद में शुरू कर सकते हैं या बाद में आपको एचआईवी की खरीद शुरू करनी चाहिए जो इसे मानने की आपकी संभावनाओं को कम कर देता है लेकिन आपको पीईपी को 72 घंटों में शुरू करना होगा बाद में आप एचआईवी के संपर्क में आ गए। इससे पहले कि आप शुरू करते हैं, अधिक से अधिक यह काम करता है - प्रत्येक पल मान। आप 28 दिनों के लिए पीईपी को दिन में 1 या 2 बार ले सकते हैं। पीईपी में उपयोग की जाने वाली दवाओं को एंटीरेट्रोवायरल टीकाकरण (एआरटी) कहा जाता है। ये टैबलेट एचआईवी को आपके शरीर से बहने से रोक कर काम करते हैं ... और पढ़ें पीईपी एचआईवी को रोकने के लिए दवाओं का एक महीने का क्रम है जो एचआईवी के लिए संभावित बीमारी के बाद लिया जाता है। जितनी जल्दी कोई बेहतर पीईपी शुरू करता है। यह सबसे उपयोगी है जब 24 घंटों के भीतर छुट्टी दे दी जाती है, लेकिन एचआईवी के संभावित जोखिम के बाद इसे 72 घंटों के भीतर शुरू किया जाना चाहिए  ... और पढ़ें यदि आप पीईपी दवा की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आज ही हमें...

What could be the possible symptoms in HIV?

What could be the possible symptoms in HIV? What Are the Signs of HIV ? HIV disease occurs in three steps. Externally treatment, it gets more serious over time and finally overwhelms your immune system. Your manifestations will depend on your stage... Read More Early signs of HIV include: Headache Fatigue Aching muscles Sore throat Swollen lymph nodes If you are facing HIV than please contact us today at our no. +9198715605858 or you can visit the link which is mentioned below:- In case if you want to book an appointment with us then please fill the form and also you can book an online appointment for online consultation. hashtag Loading…

Post Exposer Prophylaxis

Post Exposer Prophylaxis PEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis is a short course of HIV medicines taken very soon after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from taking hold in your body. You must start it within 72 hours after you were exposed to HIV, or it won't work ...Read More Who can use PEP? PEP is for the people who may have been exposed to HIV in the last 3 days- 72 hours. PEP might be right for you if: You had sex with someone who may have HIV and didn’t use a condom, or the condom broke. You were assaulted. You shared needles or works (like cotton, cookers, or water) with someone who may have HIV If you were exposed to HIV in the last 3 days and want PEP, see a nurse or doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. Timing is really important. You must start PEP as soon as you can after being exposed to HIV for it to work ...Read More PEP is for emergencies. It can’t take the place of proven, ongoing ways to preven...

PEP Treatment For HIV Patients

PEP Treatment For HIV Patients PEP , or post-exposure prophylaxis, is a short course of  HIV  medicines taken very soon after a possible exposure to  HIV  to prevent the virus from taking hold in your body. You must start it within 72 hours after you were exposed to  HIV , or it won't work. If you want the complete information and medication process For  PEP Treatment  than please contact  Dr Raina's Safe Hand Clinic  +919871605858. For more information please visit the website which is mentioned below:- Our Address: E-34, EKTA APARTMENT, Saket, Near Opposite, Malviya Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 110017 (If you are infected with HIV then please contact us today)

PEP Treatment

Post Exposure Prophylaxis PEP , or post-exposure prophylaxis, is a short course of HIV medicines taken very soon after a possible exposure to HIV to prevent the virus from taking hold in your body. You must start it within 72 hours after you were exposed to HIV , or it won't work. If you want the complete information and medication process For PEP Treatment than please contact Dr Raina's Safe Hand Clinic +919871605858. For more information please visit the website which is mentioned below:- Our Address: E-34, EKTA APARTMENT, Saket, Near Opposite, Malviya Nagar Metro Station, New Delhi - 110017

Best HIV Doctor in Delhi | 9871605858 | Dr. Vinod Raina

PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a treatment given persons within 72 hours of possible exposure, who get exposed to HIV infection. By this process, one can be prevented from becoming HIV positive. As an HIV positive remains positive for life. In such cases, one has to continue anti-retroviral drugs for life. Till date, there is no medication that can eradicate this virus from the body when the body is HIV positive. So if one gets exposed to HIV infection, Don’t waste your time visit our clinic, Dr. Vinod Raina. this Get PEP Treatment comes into play. This treatment is started within 72 hours of possible exposure of HIV infection and the course of medication is for 28-30 days. This treatment includes a set of anti-retroviral drugs that are to be continued for 28-30 days without any discontinuation. Two types of PEP therapy are there- nPEP (non-occupational PEP) and oPEP (occupational PEP). In both cases, PEP treatment is indicated after possible exposure to HIV infection. ...

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