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pep treatment for hiv

Who can use PEP? PEP is for the people who may have been exposed to HIV in the last 3 days- 72 hours. PEP might be right for you if: You had lovemaking with someone who may have HIV and didn’t use a condom, or the condom broke. You were assaulted. You shared needles or works (like cotton, cookers, or water) with someone who may have HIV If you obtained or shown to HIV in the last 3 days and want PEP to consult a doctor immediately Timing is really important. You should begin PEP as soon as attainable after being displayed to HIV for it to work. PEP is for emergencies. It cannot catch the position of proven, continuous ways to stop HIV — like applying condoms, using PrEP (a daily pill that reduces your possibilities of obtaining HIV), including not sharing needles or works. If you understand yourself may be exposed to HIV frequently (similar if you have a companion or companions who may be HIV-positive), then communicate to a doctor for this. If you are a health care work...

Prep Treatment

Prep Treatment Pre-exposure prophylaxis is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at very high risk of getting HIV to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. The pill contains two medicines that are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV. If you are looking for the treatment then please call at our no. +919136363692 | +919871605858 or visit to our website

Pep effects of our body

PEP effects on our body It takes a few days for HIV to become established in the body following exposure. PEP drugs given at this time may help the body's immune system to stop the virus from replicating (multiplying) in the infected cells of the body. If you are looking for the treatment then please contact us at +919871605858 | +919136363692 or visit our website

prep medication

Who can use PrEP? PrEP is not best for everybody. PrEP is for those people who don’t have HIV and are at a higher risk for getting HIV. You should talk with a doctor or nurse about PrEP along with please check some of the cases: People who don’t regularly use condoms should use PreP Medicines. People who have a partner HIV (sometimes called serodiscordant, Serodifferent, or a mixed-status couple) should use PreP. People who have a partner is at high risk for getting HIV (like if they had lovemaking with other people without safety precaution, or they are a regular injection drug user or been in treatment for drug use in the past 6 months should use PreP. People who had lovemaking with many other or multiple partners without any safety precautions should use PreP. If someone who has recently had another STD (like chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis) should use PreP. If you are at high risk for HIV and you are also pregnant ...

HIV Treatment

HIV Treatment HIV EARLY SYMPTOMS Up to 9 in 10 people who acquire HIV will have some symptoms soon after infection. This is known as SEROCONVERSION ILLNESS. It includes: Fever Rashes Severe Headache Feeling Sick Body Aches and Pains Tiredness Mouth Ulcers Sore Throat Night Sweats Weight Loss Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Swollen Lymph Nodes and Bleeding Gums. Not everyone has these symptoms and they’re easily mistaken for flu or other common illnesses. If it’s not treated, HIV will eventually damage a person’s immune system until they start to develop serious illnesses or infections. if you are looking for HIV treatment than please call at our no. +919136363692 for medication inquiry please click on the link which is mentioned below

pep treatment

PEP Treatment Human Immunodeficiency virus developed in certain body fluids that push the body’s immune system, especially the CD4 cells usually named T cells. HIV can destroy multiple of certain cells of the human body. CD4 specialized cells help the immune system fight off infections. If you are looking for the treatment for HIV AID virus or IF you are infected and worried to cure HIV after exposer than we please prefer for PEP (Post exposer prophylaxis) get the PEP treatment today and control HIV to get exposed with 72 hours. Call at +919136363692 | +919871605858 For inquiry please click at our clinic website

syphilis Treatment

STD Syphilis Treatment Syphilis Syphilis is a bacterial disease normally diffused by physical contact. The infection starts as a painless sore — typically on your genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis flows from person to person via skin or mucous membrane touch with these sores. How it develops It spreads by blood products (unclean needles or unscreened blood). It spreads by mother to baby by pregnancy, labor or nursing. It spreads by having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral intimacy. In case if you are looking for the treatment then please call at our no. +919136363692 | +919871605858 or you can visit our
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Symptoms What Are the Symptoms of STD's?  If any symptoms of STD are present, they may include one or more of the following:  You will see the bumps, sores, or warts near the mouth, anus, penis, or vagina ...Read More Swelling or redness near the penis or vagina ...Read More Skin  ...Read More  You can have painful urination ...Read More Weight loss, loose stools, night sweats ...Read More You can have aches, pains, fever, and chills ...Read More  You can have yellowing of the skin (jaundice) ...Read More  Discharge from the penis or vagina ...Read More Vaginal discharge may have an odor ...Read More Bleeding from the vagina other than during a monthly period ...Read More Painful sex ...Read More Severe itching near the penis or vagina ...Read More If you are looking for the treatment than please contact at our no. +919136363692 | +919871605858 Website : Our Cli...

एचआईवी एड्स केंद्र

एचआईवी एड्स पै प क्या है? पोस्ट-एक्सपोज़र प्रोफिलैक्सिस। पीईपी की गोलियाँ एक सूची के साथ शुरू होती हैं, आप बहुत जल्द बाद में शुरू कर सकते हैं या बाद में आपको एचआईवी की खरीद शुरू करनी चाहिए जो इसे मानने की आपकी संभावनाओं को कम कर देता है लेकिन आपको पीईपी को 72 घंटों में शुरू करना होगा बाद में आप एचआईवी के संपर्क में आ गए। इससे पहले कि आप शुरू करते हैं, अधिक से अधिक यह काम करता है - प्रत्येक पल मान। आप 28 दिनों के लिए पीईपी को दिन में 1 या 2 बार ले सकते हैं। पीईपी में उपयोग की जाने वाली दवाओं को एंटीरेट्रोवायरल टीकाकरण (एआरटी) कहा जाता है। ये टैबलेट एचआईवी को आपके शरीर से बहने से रोक कर काम करते हैं ... और पढ़ें पीईपी एचआईवी को रोकने के लिए दवाओं का एक महीने का क्रम है जो एचआईवी के लिए संभावित बीमारी के बाद लिया जाता है। जितनी जल्दी कोई बेहतर पीईपी शुरू करता है। यह सबसे उपयोगी है जब 24 घंटों के भीतर छुट्टी दे दी जाती है, लेकिन एचआईवी के संभावित जोखिम के बाद इसे 72 घंटों के भीतर शुरू किया जाना चाहिए  ... और पढ़ें यदि आप पीईपी दवा की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आज ही हमें...
 PEP Medicines What is PEP? Post-exposure prophylaxis. PEP tablets start with a list, you can begin following very soon or later you must begin to procure HIV that decreases your possibilities of perceiving it but you have to start PEP in 72 hours later you were exposed to HIV then it won't work. The earlier you start, the greater it works — each moment values. You can take PEP 1 or 2 times a day for 28 days. The medications used in PEP are called antiretroviral vaccinations (ART). These tablets work by preventing HIV from flowing through your body ...Read More PEP is a month-long sequence of medications to help stop HIV that is taken after a potential illness to HIV. The sooner someone begins PEP the better. It is most useful when discharged within 24 hours, but it must be commenced within 72 hours after a possible exposure to HIV ...Read More If you are looking for PEP Medication then call us today at our no. +919136363692 | +919871605858 Or you can als...

HIV AIDS Treatment In Delhi

HIV AIDS HIV is a virus developed by unusual body fluids that attacks the body's immune system, especially the CD4 cells, usually called T cells. Over time, HIV can stop so several of these cells that the body can't fight off germs and infection. Certain unusual cells help the immune system fight off diseases. In case if you are looking for the treatment then please contact us at our no. +919871605858 | +919136363692 for more information we request you to please visit at our link which is mentioned below:

PEP Treatment for HIV AIDS

What is PEP? Post-exposure prophylaxis. PEP tablets start with a list, you can begin following very soon or later you must begin to procure HIV that decreases your possibilities of perceiving it but you have to start PEP in 72 hours later you were exposed to HIV then it won't work. The earlier you start, the greater it works — each moment values. You can take PEP 1 or 2 times a day for 28 days. The medications used in PEP are called antiretroviral vaccinations (ART). These tablets work by preventing HIV from flowing through your body. if you are looking for the treatment then please contact our no. +919871605858 | +919136363692 or please visit our website

ARV Therapy For HIV AIDS

Antiretroviral therapy Antiretroviral therapy is the method to use HIV medications to treat HIV disease. ART is suggested for every person who holds HIV. ART cures HIV to live longer, the better times and decreases the chance of HIV transmission ...Read more What are the uses of ART ? Antiretroviral therapy is the method to use HIV medications to treat HIV disease ...Read more ART is suggested for every person who holds HIV. ART supports people with HIV live longer, the better times and decreases the chance of HIV transmission ...Read more if you are looking for the treatment then contact us today at our no. +919871605858 | +919136363692 or you can visit our website i.e

Dr. Raina's Safe Hands Clinic

Best HIV Treatment In Delhi Dr. RAINA'S SAFE HANDS in New Delhi is best for treating people who are suffering from HIV-AIDS & STD. We do give 100% of successful treatment with the help of ART along PEP Medication, our assurance is based on our best medication practices which are more than 19 years in the medical industry. As a Human Being, We all know that lovemaking is the most important & pleasurable activity in Human life. The majority of people who don’t know, whether they are suffering from HIV-AIDS disease and most of the males and females are unaware of these diseases. We recommend you to go regular HIV check-up if you have made lovemaking with multiple partners without safety precaution. In case if you are looking for the treatment then please contact us at our no. +919871605858 or you can visit our website


एचआईवी एड्स यदि आप उपचार की तलाश में हैं तो कृपया हमसे संपर्क करें। 9871605858 एचआईवी वह वायरस है जो एड्स का कारण बनता है। एड्स का मतलब एक्वायर्ड इम्यून डेफिसिएंसी सिंड्रोम है। एचआईवी और एड्स एक ही चीज नहीं हैं। और एचआईवी वाले लोगों को हमेशा एड्स नहीं होता है।   एचआईवी वह वायरस है जो एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में जाता है। समय के साथ, एचआईवी आपके प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली (जिसे सीडी 4 सेल या टी सेल कहा जाता है) में एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रकार की कोशिका को नष्ट कर देता है जो आपको संक्रमण से बचाने में मदद करता है। जब आपके पास इन सीडी 4 कोशिकाओं में से पर्याप्त नहीं होता है, तो आपका शरीर संक्रमणों से नहीं लड़ सकता है जिस तरह से यह सामान्य रूप से हो सकता है।   एड्स वह बीमारी है, जो एचआईवी के कारण आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को होती है। जब आपको खतरनाक संक्रमण हो जाता है या आपके पास सीडी 4 कोशिकाओं की संख्या कम होती है तो आपको एड्स होता है। एड्स एचआईवी का सबसे गंभीर चरण है, और यह समय के साथ मृत्यु का कारण बनता है। उपचार के बिना, आमतौर पर एचआईवी वाले किसी व्यक्ति को एड्स विकसित होन...

PEP treatment in HIV

PEP treatment in HIV How do I get PEP? You can get PEP from Dr. Raina’s Safe hands, You can start PEP up to 72 hours (3 days) after you were exposed to HIV, but don’t wait it’s really important to start PEP as soon as possible. Every hour counts. Before you receive PEP, the doctor will communicate with you regarding what occurred, to determine whether PEP is best concerning for you. They will give you a blood test for HIV (if you previously have HIV, you will not be able to practice PEP). You will also be tested for Hepatitis B. And if you were exposed to HIV through lovemaking, you will get tests for other STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. Please contact us at our no. +919871605858 or you can visit the link which is mentioned below: Loading…

STD Types

Types Of  Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases . This means they are most often -- but not completely -- increased by physical intercourse. HIV, chlamydia ...Read More , genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, some forms of hepatitis, syphilis, and trichomoniasis are  STDs ...Read More If you are looking to treat   HIV, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea,  hepatitis, syphilis, and trichomoniasis  then please contact us at our no. +919871605858 ...Read More If you are looking for the treatment related to STD than please contact us or fill the form which is mention below Loading…
Why PreP is Safe for you before HIV? People who don’t regularly use condoms should use PreP Medicines... Read more People who have a partner HIV (sometimes called serodiscordant, Serodifferent, or a mixed-status couple) should use PreP . .. Read more People who have a partner is at high risk for getting HIV (like if they had lovemaking with other people without safety precaution, or they are a regular injection drug user or been in treatment for drug use in the past 6 months should use PreP . People who had lovemaking with many other or multiple partners without any safety precautions should use PreP . .. Read more People who don’t regularly use condoms should use PreP Medicines. .. Read more If someone who has recently had another STD (like chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis) should use PreP . .. Read more If you are at high risk for HIV and you are also pregnant or trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding then PrEP may also hel...

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